RObservations #47 : Knitting .Rmd Files to Google Docs with knit2docs

Introduction RMarkdown is a powerful framework for writing a documents that contain a mixture of text, code, and the output of the code. Popular output formats for RMarkdown Documents (.Rmd) include HTML, PDF and Word Documents. It is also possible to output RMarkdown documents as part of a static website using blogdown package and is… Continue reading RObservations #47 : Knitting .Rmd Files to Google Docs with knit2docs

RvsPython #6: LinkedIn has spoken!

Introduction Over the past while with my time on LinkedIn, I got to have exposure to many people from many different lines of work. I also managed to have carved a space for myself there where I can post about Data Science topics and share my blogs along the way. There have always been posts… Continue reading RvsPython #6: LinkedIn has spoken!

RObservations #1: Uploading your .Rmd File to WordPress: A TroubleShooters Guide

As anyone in tech will tell you. Having a website where you can showcase your work is a huge plus for getting an edge on the market, networking and building a portfolio. When starting out, this sort of stuff might seem overwhelming. If you’re an R user and have done work with RMarkdown, the easiest… Continue reading RObservations #1: Uploading your .Rmd File to WordPress: A TroubleShooters Guide